Instructor Recommendations
Review learning catalytics, professor slideshows, and devote time to a Smokin Notes study plan
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 06:51 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 06:51 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '27
Start the smokin notes at least a week before the exam and practice lots of problems.
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 06:41 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 06:41 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '27
If a friend of mine were to take this class, I would tell them to make sure they study ahead of time and memorize pretty much every word said in the SmokinNotes. The packets really help, especially when used at their full potential!
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 04:18 PM; by Veterinary Medicine major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 04:18 PM; by Veterinary Medicine major | Class of '27
Read over smokin notes multiple times the week before the exam, do practice questions, and go over flashcards. The practice exams are super helpful and makes you prepared for the exam.
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 03:00 AM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 03:00 AM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '27
Study for exams. Smoking notes helps a lot, prep ahead of time for the exam. Start reviewing content over a week before exam and leave time to do practice problems
- Submitted on 12/03/2024 02:44 PM; by Other: (Non-business major) major | Class of '28
- Submitted on 12/03/2024 02:44 PM; by Other: (Non-business major) major | Class of '28
Reread the notes until you understand all the concepts and then fill out the professors' study guides and refer to Smokin' Notes's study guides to help you.
- Submitted on 08/07/2024 02:57 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 08/07/2024 02:57 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '27
I would tell them to pay attention during lecture, and to use Smokin'Notes because it does a great job at summarizing all the important parts of each unit.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:37 PM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:37 PM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '27
I would tell a friend to go to the lectures and keep up with the material, I would also tell them to go to office hours. Additionally, I would tell them to get Smokin Notes because it is essential to do well on the exam and keep up wit h the course.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:14 PM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:14 PM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '27
I would recommend smokinnotes because I used it this entire semester unlike last semester and have gotten significantly better grades.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:08 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 05:08 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '27
GET SMOKIN NOTES!!!!!! Also read the slides while looking at the smokin notes. Review smokin notes after every week.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 02:27 PM; by Agricultural and Life Sciences major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 02:27 PM; by Agricultural and Life Sciences major | Class of '27
Definitely read the smoking notes Study guide as soon as they come out and study them to the max.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 01:38 PM; by Other: (Non-business major) major | Class of '27
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 01:38 PM; by Other: (Non-business major) major | Class of '27
Get smokin' notes. Integrate class and Smokin note notes after reading (outline or on slides). Do the videos and flash cards. Do the professor's learning objectives. Review your integrated notes. Take Smokin notes quizzes and practice exams.
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 02:34 AM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '26
- Submitted on 04/22/2024 02:34 AM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '26
Get smokin notes!! Since the class is so fast pace, the lectures are sometimes speedy and it's nice to have all the info together.
- Submitted on 04/21/2024 07:57 PM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '26
- Submitted on 04/21/2024 07:57 PM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '26
Review the lecture powerpoints and take notes to study especially what the profs explained. Smokin'Notes is another useful tool as they go into much details than the powerpoints including providing exam tips and small quizzes to test your knowledge.
- Submitted on 12/04/2023 06:09 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '26
- Submitted on 12/04/2023 06:09 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '26
- Submitted on 12/04/2024 07:22 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '27